Sunday 8 December 2013

2014 is turning out to be quite the year!

We have been in New Zealand for around two and a half months now, summer is arriving with the odd day of showers so we have been able to enjoy a few BBQ teas already. It's quite bizarre being away for Christmas in a place that is the furthest away from what you usually associate the season with. It is no where as near commercialised here as it is in UK and most people have a BBQ instead of the traditional Christmas dinner, but that's one tradition that we are keeping with us :).

Race Video -

We have been doing a lot of planning for the new year with Tarawera  ultra already secured for March we also managed to secure a spot each in TNF100 Australia which will be held in the blue mountains in May . We are both excited that we are able to compete in such stunning surroundings this will also hopefully see the start of my ultra racing after a disappointing circumstances in Canada. So with two 100k races entered we have started knuckling down to training which has given us new places and trails to explore which we are both enjoying.

Pre-Race video 2014 -

We have also booked a lifetime goal/dream and a definite bucket list top spot contender a trek in the Himalayas which will see us reaching Everest base camp as well as the Gokyo lakes. The lovely Marie will be joining us for this eighteen day trek , we are both really excited about seeing Marie again as by the time we see her it will have been just over a year since we last saw her in Canada. It is really great that we can meet up with friends we have made during our travels, I'm sure Marie will not be the only one we will meet again :).

A short update from us this time to round the year off so a Merry Christmas  & A Happy New Year from us both! A quick little fact for you New Zealand is the first place to wish in the new year in the whole world! 
Happy reading
Gem & Paul xx